Stop Blocking the Sidewalk

Why you should stop blocking the sidewalk.
Pedestrian Traffic
Sidewalks are a safe place for people to walk along roadways without having to worry about getting hit by a passing vehicle. This is especially important for children and the elderly.
It's Illegal
In many states and counties it's illegal to block a sidewalk or crosswalk with your vehicle. Pull your vehicle up to avoid a ticket or fines.
It's Inconsiderate
The sidewalk is used by many other people and, by blocking it, you're depriving those people of their ability to do so. You wouldn't want people walking through your driveway, so don't park on their sidewalk.
Are you doing it right?

Not at all.
See how the vehicle spans the entire width of the sidewalk? Nobody can walk past without going out in the street.

Still no.
The vehicle still blocks the entire width of the sidewalk. This forces people out into the grass or the street to get around.

Close, but not quite...
While not fully blocking the sidewalk, people on bikes, scooters, or in wheelchairs will still have trouble passing.

You got it!
Your vehicle is fully pulled into the driveway without any part of it blocking pedestrian traffic. Congrats!